3 Farms selling on Friday, April 11th @ 10:00 am - OFFSITE
Auction Location - Stafford Air & Space Museum - 3000 Logan RD, Weatherford, OK 73096
Farm # 1-The SE4 of Section 29-T13N-R14W of the IM-Custer County, OK 160 acres m/l. This Farm will be offered in tracts and combinations using the Multi-Parcel Bidding method. SEE TRACT MAP. This farm is located just north of Weatherford, OK. From State HWY 54 and 1000 RD-Go 1/2 mile East. Watch for signs.
Farm # 2-The SE4 (less cemetery) of Section 35-T13N-R15W of the IM-Custer County, OK. 159 acres m/l. This Farm will also be offered in tracts and combinations using the Multi-Parcel bidding method. SEE TRACT MAP. This farm is located northwest of Weatherford - from State HWY 54 and Lawter RD (1010 RD), go 2 miles west to the farm on the north side of Lawter RD. Watch for signs.
Farm # 3-The W2SW4 of Section 3-T12N-R15W of the IM-Custer County, OK-80 acres m/l. This farm will be sold as 1 tract. Location is west of Weatherford. From State HWY 54 and Lawter RD (1010 RD) go west 4 miles on Lawter RD to 2360 RD, then South 1/2 mile to the farm on the east side of road. Watch for signs.
NOTE: All farms sell from the Stafford Air & Space Museum, Explorer's Room, 3000 Logan RD, Weatherford, OK.
Farm # 2-The SE4 Of Section 35-T13N-R15W of the IM-Custer County, OK-This Farm will also be offered in Tracts and Combinations using the Multi-Parcel Bidding method- $10,000 down per Single Tract-$25,000 for a combination or $50,000 for the entirety -Balance due at closing -Closing on or before June 1st-2025-Possession after the 2025 Wheat crop is harvested -Seller will provide a survey and an Abstract for each Tract or combination of Tracts depending on the manner in which they sell-NOTE- if sold as 1 unit Seller will provide an updated Abstract and NO SURVEY
Farm # 3- The W2SW4 of Section 3-T12N-R15W of the IM-Custer County, OK - This farm will be sold as 1 tract 80 acres m/l -$25,000 down- Balance due at closing on or before June 1st, 2025 -Possession after the 2025 wheat crop is harvested